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The digiTaalhuis is a part of the Hoornes/Rijnsoever library in Katwijk. In the digiTaalhuis you can practise your Dutch language skills and work on getting yourself acquainted with the digital world (how to use computers, phones etc.). We also offer various consultation hours.

Dutch language activities

Throughout the year we offer opportunities to work on Dutch language skills. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, everyone is welcome to join. Check our calendar to see when you can visit.

Language Cafe / Taalcafé

In the language cafe we learn to speak Dutch. We start these meetings with a short presentation about an everyday topic. Then we split up into groups and continue talking about the subject. These groups are classified at different levels, from beginner to advanced. People are helped to formulate sentences and understand the information that has been told. 

Reading groups / Leeskring

During our reading groups, we read together in a simple book and discuss difficult words with each other. Both technical reading and reading comprehension are discussed here. 

Writing club / Schrijftafel

At the writing club we practice with writing in Dutch. Before we start with exercises, everyone will be assigned to his / her own level. Volunteers from the digiTaalhuis will coach you individually. 

News cafe / Nieuwscafé

We read and discuss recent news together in our News Cafe.

Read aloud / Voorlezen

Our volunteers read to children (ages 4 to 8 years old) and their parents every Wednesday afternoon from 15:00-16:00 in the library Hoornes / Rijnsoever.

Consultation hours

In addition our language activities, you can also visit various consultation hours. For example: we offer a computer consultation hour, for people who need help using their computers, tablets or smartphones. Do you need advice on how to handle your money better? Then you can visit our financial consultation hour. All consultation hours at the digiTaalhuis are for free. Want to know what's on next? Check out our calendar.


For all questions concerning the digiTaalhuis, you can contact Monique Kromhout (06-83496068), Petra Jansen (06-30805631) or Margot Vieverich (06-30844858).